Doktrin Radikalisme Terorisme Melalui Media Sosial Di Indonesia

Moh. Djafar Shodiq


This research aims to examine the use of social media has brought some negative impacts including loss of privacy, decreased information quality, spread of hoaxes, and the rise of radical groups online. Supporters of radical groups or extremists speak up their belief on social media which can affect the public, even they recruit their members online. This descriptive research was done using a normative juridical method to analyze primary and secondary data. Data were collected through observation, document and literature study using qualitative data analysis which stages were data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that social media which allow users to share user-generated content were often misused by terrorist networks as a powerful tool to support their movement and recruit new members as evidenced by terror cases in which terrorists made use of information technology through which they influenced and spreaded the radicalization. The internet plays a bigger role in the radicalization process than any religious institution. Terrorist networks use violent terrorist campaigns as propaganda to reach operational level tactics at global and local levels


Deradikalisasi, Terorisme, Tindak Pidana

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